So it's Easter!!! Happy Easter everyone! We miss spending time with family, but know we need to do what we have to too save up for moving into our house. I heard from Ray yesterday and they are still wiating for our permits so they can start digging the lot and pouring the foundation. So Abby was the 1st one up this morning at 0730~ She came in and said "Mom, come look on the table in the wiving room"...she was sooo excited tat the Easter Bunny came! She then went and got Ben up and then they went and got Sam up! I told them to let Peyton sleep a little longer. Ben was excited about his Poekmon cards and his Toy Story Little Green Men Legos! Sam also liked her new Pomegranite Body wash and lotion. She also got an iTUNES gift card. Finally Peyton got up and he was pretty stoked and all he wanted was the 1st piece of candy he could find !!!! And Ben, Abby and Peyton got bubble wands so I let open them and do bubbles inthe living room! They managed to go through a whole thing of bubbles this morning! Ben went in his room and put together his little lego men, while Abby and Peyton ate candy!!!! I started a ham and then made corn, deviled eggs and mashed potatoes. Needless to say the eggs are all gone!!! and we will have plenty of ham leftovers! Everybody ate a good lunch and now I am trying to get them to chill!!!! So here are the pics from us coloring eggs last night and from this morning!
this is what happens when you are done coloring eggs and tired! since Peyton had a haircut, he can't run his fingers through his hair so he sits with Matt and runs his fingers through Matt's hair!
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